Nutrabolics Isogainer, Raspberry, 5-Pound

Nutrabolics Isogainer, Raspberry, 5-Pound Reviews

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Nutrabolics Isogainer, Raspberry, 5-Pound Detail

  • Supports Accelerated Post Workout Recovery
  • 60 grams of Specially-Formulated Sustained Release Protein Matrix
  • Contains K-R-ALA to Support with Nutrient Deposition
Gaining quality muscle can be a challenge. The solution? Tweak nutrition in two critical areas: 1) increase caloric intake above calories burned, and 2) add calories in the correct ratios of protein to carbohydrates to fats. Meeting this challenge, Nutrabolics has designed IsoGainer, a convenient, easily digestible, high-calorie food source that delivers a multi-stage ultra-premium protein blend, designer carbohydrates and health-promoting essential fatty acids. Coupled with intense training and strict eating, IsoGainer provides the nutritional backbone necessary to experience accelerated gains in lean mass.

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Feb 12, 2011 23:54:03


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